
Day 9 is a Treasure

Shoot! I'm sorry everyone, I thought I had this scheduled to post this morning, I just realized it didn't work...

I hope you guys enjoyed my blogging twice yesterday! 
It will probably never happen again :-P
Just kidding.

Today is day 9! and it's the day a 5 page rough draft is due in my class. I stayed up until 11 writing it, and now I'm writing this so that it will post while I'm at work :-)

I know you're all dying to know, so I'll tell you.
My paper (which will be 15 pages when I'm done) is about the privatization of water in the United States, mainly bottled water. It's an argumentative paper and I'm arguing that people should refrain from drinking bottled water and I explain the negative effects on the environment as well as on our health.

It's a very interesting topic. I've been learning a lot, especially since 5 of the 10 sources we need have to be scholarly. Needless to say I've been learning a lot of new words... LoL
Today the photo prompt is a picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.

The obvious would of course be my family. 
Especially my parents, my dad and my mom. And of course I could also include my sisters, my brothers and my sister-in-law (she's like a sister to me). They have all gotten me through so much.

Others I could picture would include my Heavenly Father, friends from high school, a few select teachers, authors, musicians and some artists. 

If it was to be a picture of who will get me through the most, that would of course be Michael :-)
I could even use Michael as the picture for today, as we have been through so so much together already.

However I decided on doing something other then the obvious
 The theatre :-) 
(I'm in the blue dress up front).
I know it sounds funny, but being involved in the theatre got me through so very much during high school.
Being in the theatre helped to get me through my mothers death, it helped me to overcome intense shyness, speak my mind more, and express feelings and emotions in healthy ways

 Through it I learned to be myself and to love who that was, I gained confidence and I learned many other life lessons while being in and working on plays.

And so the theatre is "who" got me through the most :-)
I got to be a lead in play in high school, but I wasn't the lead until this play here which was in college.

Who has gotten you through the most?
I'd love to hear about it :)

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